Thursday 6 September 2012

For students, it’s Japan calling

Paving the way for higher education opportunities, 13 universities from Japan wooed Indian students at the Japan Education Fair held here on Saturday.

As part of the ‘Global 30’ (G30P) project launched by the Ministry of Education, Japan, core universities offering undergraduate and graduate level programmes presented students with a bird’s view of the courses.
Sharing his experience as a student, who is currently pursuing four-year graduation course in mechanical and aerospace engineering from Tohoku University, Angad Deep Singh said that there has never been a ‘language barrier’ in Japan.

“The entire course is taught in English and the universities are excellent here. Language barrier in Japan is just a preconceived notion. At present, I am learning Japanese too. It has been a smooth sail as a student for me.
Japan is one of the safest countries and students need not be scared to pursue education here,” he observed.
Shrikrishna Kulkarni, President of the University of Tokyo Alumni Association of India, observed, “The initiative to invite students to Japanese universities is commendable and youngsters must make use of such opportunities. The Japanese Government aims at increasing the number of international students in Japan to 300,000 by the year 2020.”

The 13 universities which participated in Education Fair are: The University of Tokyo, Tohoku University, University of Tsukuba, Nagoya University, Kyoto University, Osaka University, Kyushu University, Keio University, Sophia University, Meiji University, Waseda University, Doshisha University and Ritsumeikan University.

On the sidelines of the Japan Education Fair, visitors had the opportunity to experience some Japanese culture as well, through demonstrations of the Japanese Tea Ceremony.

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