Wednesday 31 October 2012

Metro honoured for its role in Japan-India ties

Delhi Metro, which has been trying to get the Airport Metro Express on track, got a shot in the arm with the President Award from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The award was conferred on DMRC's managing director Mangu Singh in the presence of Shinya Ejima, chief representative of JICA, for Delhi Metro's contribution to Indo-Japan ties.

"It is an enormous achievement not only for constructing the Metro but also for bringing about change in the construction environment in the country," Ejima told TOI. Calling the Metro a "flagship project" for JICA, Ejima added that without it, development of the NCR would not have been possible. Singh said, "This honour will go a long way in strengthening the bilateral ties between India and Japan and will encourage us to cooperate with each other in many such projects in days to come."

The new-age transport system was chosen in recognition of its outstanding contribution to the development of human resources, society and the economy in India and to the enhancement of friendly relations and mutual understanding between India and Japan. The JICA President Award is given either to an individual or an organization that is associated with JICA and whose contribution in the field of development is considered to be of immense significance in a developing society. Delhi Metro was built with loan assistance from JICA.

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