Monday 1 April 2013

India only behind US, Japan in giving funds to Rotary International

India is at number three, after US and Japan, when it comes to giving funds to Rotary at the international level, said Ron Burton, incoming president of the Rotary International, who was in the city on Saturday during his visit to India.
"Things are changing at a great speed and I am happy to see the work done by the Rotarians of India at the international level. India is a very great country when it comes to giving and serving the humanity," said Ron Burton.

He also complimented the Rotarians of India for their hard work in bringing the country off the list of polio-endemic countries and the help Indian doctors are providing in combating it in countries like Nigeria. "In India, Rotary has spent US $ 176 million in these efforts and will continue to fund more for other initiatives," he said.

The theme of Rotary International under the presidentship of Burton will be, "Engage Rotary. Change Lives." Talking about the theme he said, "It means seeing the world and our role in it, in a unique way. Accepting our communities as our responsibility and acting accordingly. One should take the initiative, make the effort, and do what is right, and not what is easy. At the end, every Rotarian should take pride in being a member."
When asked about the initiatives the Rotary Foundation will take to promote the safety of women, Burton said "Rotary International works for the upliftment of all irrespective of the colour, gender, sex, and believes in the dignity of all human beings."

He further said, "At present only 18% of Rotary members all over the world are women, which is a sad statistic. I would like if the number of women Rotarians increase to 50%, and initiatives will be taken to improve the women's participation. At the same time, I am happy to announce that for the first time, Rotary International will have a woman vice-president."
Rakesh Aggarwal, incoming governor of District 3080 said, "After health, upgradation of education system in the area will be our main agenda. We are planning to adopt the schools, especially the municipal schools which are in bad shape. Also facilities of clean drinking water and hygienic sanitation in the schools will be the priorities, as most of the girl students quit the schools because of the poor or no sanitation facilities."

Ron Burton will take the responsibility of the president of Rotary International on July 1. Before coming to the city, he has made visits to Chennai, Mumbai, Wapi (Gujrat) and on Sunday he will address nearly 1,000 Rotarians from district 3080 at the felicitation function planned at Ambala.

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