Thursday 20 June 2013

PMs Of India And Japan Talk About Promoting Electronics

Japanese investment in India, Indian electronics Industry, DeitY, Department of Electronics and IT, japan help desk, Indian ESDM sector, Manmohan SinghAccording to the statement, “The two Prime Ministers welcomed the progress made so far in information and communications technology (ICT) and electronics sectors, including Ministerial level interaction resulting in creation of Japan Help Desk for facilitating cooperation in Electronic system Design and Manufacturing. They shared the common view to further enhance business tie-ups in private sectors and cooperation in cyber security as well as promotion of joint research and development (R&D) and bilateral cooperation in international standardization in the information and communications technology. Prime Minister Singh expressed hope to further enhance opportunities for Japanese industries in Electronic System Design and Manufacturing and Telecommunications in India and business opportunities for Indian ICT companies in Japan.”

As reported earlier
, Japan Help Desk aims to facilitate Japanese investments in India.

The help desk comes as a part of efforts being made by DeitY, which is trying to attract investment in Electronics System Design and Manufacturing from Japan. The Japan Help Desk has been created with the mandate to:

(1) Expedite and facilitate the proposals of investment from Japanese companies;

(2) Facilitate interactions of Japanese side with other agencies of Government of India; and

(3) Facilitate interactions with State Governments.

Japan Help Desk comprises Rajneesh Agarwal, director, DeitY, who is the chairperson of the help desk, along with Niharika, consultant, DeitY, who will be the member of the help desk. The formation of Japan Help Desk has also been notified to JETRO and to Indian Embassy in Japan so that any Japanese company interested in investment in ESDM sector in India can seek its assistance. It is worth mentioning here that the announcement about the Japan Help Desk was made by Kapil Sibal, minister of communications and IT during his visit to Japan in February 2013.

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