Monday 24 December 2012

Hitachi deal with Gujarat for sea water desalination plant

PTI reported that Japanese industrial solutions giant Hitachi will sign a contract with the Gujarat Government next month for setting up a sea water desalination plant in the State that will treat 0.336 million tonnes of water every day.

To be executed by four partners, the construction will largely be financed by the Japanese Government under Indo-Japan joint investment strategy.

Mr Ichiro Iino MD of Hitachi India said that “We are going to sign the contract next month with the Gujarat Government. The plant will be developed under Build Own Operate Maintain method. The plant will have the capacity to desalinate 3,36,000 tonnes of water per day.”

Apart from Hitachi, the other partners are Hyflux from Singapore, Japan’s Itochu Corporation and the Gujarat Government.

When asked how much could be the investment to build the plant, Mr Iino said that “We have not decided it yet as the details are being worked out. The project will be developed by Indo-Japan joint investment and largely be financed by the Japanese Government. To be constructed at Dahej, the plant is scheduled to be operational by 2015.”

He said that “The treated water will be sold to Dahej SEZ. Also factories at Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor will purchase desalinated water from this plant.”

Earlier this month, Hitachi had announced plans to invest about INR 4,700 crore for expansion in India, including setting up of five new manufacturing plants and acquiring local firms, by March 2016.

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