Monday 17 December 2012

Nikon Organizes International Photo Contest Exhibition In Mumbai

Nikon Corporation, leader in imaging technology, today announced the commencement of the Nikon Photo Contest (NPC) Exhibition at National Center Performing Arts / Pramal Gallery Mumbai. The exhibition will showcase the collection of 53 images of NPC 2010–2011 winners and is scheduled to continue till December 23, 2012.

Nikon photo contest is an attempt to nurture an aspirational community to support photographers and provide them an opportunity to communicate and enrich photographic culture for professionals and amateurs alike. Nikon has also announced international Nikon Photo Contest for 2012–2013 in the month of November. The entry period is December 1, 2012, through February 28, 2013. This year Mr. Raghu Rai member of Magnum Photos & Chief Mentor-Nikon India is part of the esteemed jury for Nikon Photo Contest 2012-2013.

Speaking at the occasion Mr. Hiroshi Takashina, Managing Director, Nikon India said “We at Nikon have always strived to promote photography as an art form and Nikon Photo Contest is an attempt to help us achieve our dream. Photography as an art has extended its dimension to reach new heights; for Nikon this community is a source of great inspiration as we pursue our goal of helping strengthening the art of photography through innovation and invention as well as through projects and exhibitions, such as this.”

He further added -“India is a key market for Nikon Corporation and we are witnessing strong growth in the country. As a result to sustain the momentum and provide a better platform for photo-enthusiasts Nikon Corporation has bought NPC exhibition to Mumbai this year.”

Nikon Photo Contest, sponsored by Nikon, is one of the world's most prestigious international photo contests. Nikon Photo contest international (NPCI) has been held by Nikon Corporation since 1969 to provide an opportunity for photographers around the world to communicate and to enrich photographic culture for professional and amateurs alike. NPCI 2010-2011 saw Indian photographers grabbing the Grand Prix award along with 3 more awards in different categories. Mr. Debarshi Duttagupta won the Grand Prix Award for his image “Learning to fly”. Mr. Dhaval Kanada stood 3rd in “Energy” category while Mr. Saurav Karmakar & Mr. Abhishek Hajela were Runners-up in the “Emerging Talent” category.

As NPCI celebrates its 34th anniversary, Nikon Photo contest International is changing its name to Nikon Photo Contest (NPC), adding a photographic video category and opening up the judging to expert photographers selected from all over the world.

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