Wednesday 12 December 2012

India and Japan, friends forever

Celebrations related to the 60th anniversary of bilateral relations between India and Japan came to a befitting conclusion with a spectacular firework show at India Gate recently.
About 2200 fireworks were launched in the sky, some of which had never been seen before in India. About 5,000 people witnessed the beautiful show and appreciated the effort by the Japanese embassy in Delhi.

2012 is the 60th year of establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and India. In this milestone year, over 160 different events have been held in various fields all over India. These were aimed at deepening the mutual understanding between the people of Japan and India on each other’s traditions and culture, as well as technologies, under the theme of ‘Resurgent Japan, Vibrant India: New Perspectives, New Exchanges.’

The event started with a projection mapping against the backdrop of India Gate, in synchronization with music, depicting 3-dimensional images of cultural exchanges between Japan and India. This was immediately followed by the dazzling fireworks for at least 20 minutes. These fireworks can be termed as a true product of collaboration between Japan and India as craftsmen from both the countries helped in their designing and manufacturing.

The design concept of the entire event was laid out by Junko Koshino, renowned international fashion designer and received great praise from diplomats and visitors at the event.

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