Thursday 6 December 2012

Why Chennai is most sought after

Japanese investors are flocking to India mainly because the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) has found India to be the second promising destination for investment, next to China. But then, it could become the number one destination if the way Chennai is drawing companies to set up manufacturing and other units. What is that the Japanese find attractive?

The acting Consul General of Japan in Chennai, Takayuki Kitagawa, says that stable democracy is one reason for the companies opting for India and also Chennai. The availability of human resources and the low cost of labour are other factors that makes Chennai an ideal destination for investment.

The facility in Chennai for exporting goods through its harbour is an added attraction. Besides, many countries in the Middle East and Asia are easily accesible from the Chennai port. Above all, the hope that Chennai's infrastructure will improve in the days to come, going by the various projects initiated by the government, is making many companies come to the city.

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