Friday 12 July 2013

Japan's Terra Motors to introduce electric scooter with iPhone connection

Japan's Terra Motors to introduce electric scooter with iPhone connectionThe Apple Maps fiasco excepted, we have it pretty good where location-based services are concerned. But in areas like South East Asia, that's not entirely the case. Which is why Japan-based Terra Motors is prepping to launch the A4000i, an electric scooter that also features an iPhone connector (compatible with the 3GS and up) for big data collection. The company's positioning the A4000i as a means of gathering location data -- useful for mapping -- as well as mileage and battery performance (a lithium cell rated for 50,000km) for that region of the world. There's no word on exactly when Terra plans to launch this scooter overseas, but when it eventually does, expect to see the A4000i retail for around ¥450,000 (about $4,500 USD).

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