Friday 15 June 2012

Honda introduces UNI-CUB to be used as personal mobility device

Honda UNI-CUB for indoor transportation
Honda UNI-CUB for indoor transportation

World is moving fast. Frequent innovations are changing our lives upside down. With the advent of new devices at rampant pace, people’s lifestyle is changing.

Any innovation to make life simpler does have the potential to excel and quickly make in-roads into the lives of people all across the globe.

In one such kind of innovations, Honda has developed personal-mobility device inspired by robotic technologies developed for Asimo. The device is named as Honda UNI-CUB. It looks like a cycle without wheels. It can be used for indoor transportation within office or home. You can sit on the saddle and with weight shifting, you can control the device. It works with the help of Honda’s Omni Traction device system.

One of the highlights of the product is that it is unidirectional which means it can move in any direction as per your wish or needs.

The promotional video of mobility device shows thin people getting help in commuting within the offices. It is also looking very elegant and one big plus of the product is that the eyelevel of person sitting on UNI-CUB is just below the eye level of normal walking people and hence it provides natural feel for indoor communication.

However, without discounting its promise, it caters to specific indoor transportation segment and looks very different from the mobility scooters that older people uses in grocery stores and in Las Vegas.

Honda has also said that it will start demonstrating and testing the UNI-CUB with Japan’s National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation.

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