Friday 27 July 2012

Narendra Modi invites Japanese investments in textile sector

Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday invited Japanese companies to invest in Gujarat's textile sector.
Narendra Modi invites Japanese investments in textile sectorSpeaking at a round table conference of Japan's top 16 finance and banking companies in Osaka, Modi - who is on a visit to the country to woo investors - said that his state's textile and the textile park policy is based on 5 'F' formula of Farm-Fibre-Fabric-Fashion-Foreign.
During his address at another seminar in the city, the chief minister said that bond between Gujarat and Japan has become firmer during the last five years.
He said that Gujarat's transparent policies, proactive pro-people good governance (P2G2), skilled and peaceful manpower, environment-friendly policies and similarities in culture will help in making Japan feel at home in his state, according to a Gujarat government official release.
Modi said the bulk of land in ongoing Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor, being implemented in collaboration with Japan, falls in Gujarat, it added.
Modi also met a delegation from automobile maker Toyota in Nagoya. Toyota's adviser Dato Akira Okabe and General Manager, Makota Sasagura met the Gujarat chief minister and gave details of the company's operational plants in India and future expansion plans.
Modi also met Hideaki Ohmura, Governor of Aichi prefecture province in Nagoya, who discussed with him ways to develop relationships between both the regions.
In a programme organised to welcome the Gujarat Chief Minister, Ohmura described Modi as the "future of India". Ohmura said there are many similarities between Aichi and Gujarat.

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